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Dec. 8, 2023

Reading Ecclesiastes with the Old and New Testaments in Mind with Russ Meek

Reading Ecclesiastes with the Old and New Testaments in Mind with Russ Meek
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thinking christian

Russell Meek is an Old Testament Scholar and author of Ecclesiastes and the Search for Meaning in an Upside-Down World. He and Dr. James Spencer discuss the book of Ecclesiastes, how it relates to the broader patterns of the Old Testament and why Ecclesiastes is a hopeful book that every Christian shold be reading. It is a great discussion of one of the more difficult books in the bible. 

Purchase Ecclesiastes and the Search for Meaning in an Upside-Down World at amazon.com.

Check out Trajectories: A Gospel-Centered Introduction to Old Testament Theology co-authored by James Spencer, Russ Meek, and Bryan C. Babcock at amazon.com.

You can find more from Russ Meek at www.russmeek.com

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