Welcome to the Thinking Chrisitan Podcast


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Human trafficking
Don’t forget about the US being the largest human trafficking in the world. Tim Ballard and Tim Tebow in different ways have done a lot to remove people from human trafficking. YouTube prevents those words from being used by YouTubers. Thanks for what you do as well.

Love this show. The interview with the KC Wolf is my favorite so far!

Excellent podcast with great insights into the Christian faith and amazing interviews!

Theology podcast
Looking forward to hearing more- we need solid theology teaching!!

Listening now
Checking out your show right now. Wishing you all the best 😎👍

It’s About Time
I am definitely looking forward to hearing more.

Amazing Insights!
I’ve been following Dr. James Spencer ever since I saw his articles on Christianity.com and have been a huge fan ever since! Really excited to see what all this podcast has in store!